
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Yay~ Hapii hapii ^0^

Today ji Funny yi xia nor~^O^

today.. wake up jor .. jiu hear dao didi ask wan eat wat~
den say cincai tabao lor~then he n dadi jiu go tabao kolomee for me ler^^v

After dat.. wan go OUt ler..
Sudenly.. hear dao putt putt putt~

Oh~ 原来is "Pun chao eh lang"[cut grass ahpek] xixi...
Den dadi jiu shout say "NExt week next week"
den i say "OH~... [walk out the door..i stand at the Door thr..]
Me Say : Next Week next Week >"<

pun chao ah pek : face ngok ngok seeing me = =
Me : Minggu Depan ~

pun chao ah pek : still ngok = .=

Sudenly dadi come out to the Door Shout : "ah leh leh bai zha lai!!" [means next week = =shock!!<< dao=" .="">

pun chao ah pek : Ok ok..

Me : Har!! "yi eh hiao tia" Hokkien meh?!!

Dadi : yi zumik beh hiao..kia zia aneh gu ta tiok eh hiao eh ma <<[= .= #!#@% shh.. ]

Hiaks hiaks..~ ^0^

Yeahh!!~~~ Today dadi buy jor me fav geh mp3 @@ wat swap liaw lupa ki xixi~
show u my mp3~~ xixi~

Me de isS "PinKisH" geh ^0^~```xixi
rm269 *burp* ji expensive yi xia nor~
But my didi de is psp = .= more exp...
HaizzZz.. is like dat de la..
who call im gal *yawn*

~LiGhty BlueKisH ~




Juz now nor~ Got a Siao kia keep call me delete him in msn = .= So many SOT ppl zzZzz...

Him : nvm..............nth...u also 已经 forgot 了我了.......把我在您的fren blots delete 掉吧....谢谢^^

Me : ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Him : just d4elete me...

Me : u sot a
Me : who r u= .=

Him : u the person who add me one...and u dont know me [When i add him*dizzy*]
Him : nvm

Me : LOL

Him : sry for the disturbing [memang kamu disturb bah= .= ]

Me : i dun rmb i add u

Me : siao

Him : ok than can u delete me now
Him : ty

Me : *dizzy*@@

Dis world many SOT ppl @@<<>



Bonnie said...

wakaka ka ki xiao a...ask ppl delete he de msn...why not he just deleted you de msn if he say like tat memang ki siao a...wakakak XD

me also got this kind of case b4...wa ka bo hiu he xiao ei...XD

S0T Muii said...

en en xD