
Saturday, November 22, 2008

圣诞节要到了哦~ChRisMas iS CoMinG SooN~~!!@@


PRESENT!!! CRAZY BOUT PRESENT~~!!wakaka...wish i get shorties dat i like from somebody>"<
Today nth special... after go *mum mum* 8 sim poh poh! den jiu Go SpriNg lerR....~
今天没什么特别,去了七层楼吃 [sim poh poh..sound like 7 ki..]
kua kua kua ~ ^0^

到了。。sPring SpRinG~

SPRING im here!!!!
haha....[spring now**] wakaka...
we SAW so many chrismast tree @@ *admire*

me n my sis...[eh..y my hand touch thr de*dizzy*]


多一张~again = =

last- - im looks so STUPID in dis pixx pix...

我在这个照照看起来很笨!Dis is after...go up stair geh...wahahha...look like never C a chrismast tree b4...

take so many pic= = [*sua ba lao*]

哇哈哈。。很像没有看过圣诞树一样~ 拍到那么多照照。 **桑巴老**

kua kua kua~夸夸夸。。


ShoPPiN TiMEs!!!! arhhh.... LOVES shopingg...^^v

Dis pic...is erm...when im chging the shorties i LOVES... my jie eng eng take geh~


ahhahahhaha....LOVE “shorties”4evaa!!~~ ^^V


n erm...today i did buy a mini jeans skirt...not bad...n it hav my fav skull at the "pi gu" thr...9s 9s ^^


kua kua kua~!!

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