Arghhh!!!SienxXx ,, arh!! 2day ply Xdo... Ply Dao SOOO bo Song!!
Go To Competion!! kua kua kua~ ^0^
erm...ply 2 round comp only.. N har!! now de SDO DAMN like to eat ppl geh luii lor!
1 comp = 5000g points [so like eat money...zZz..吃钱的**kong si**]
i'll comp 2 round = 10000g neh~ **dizzy**
But...Still Got WiN lorr...
The most bo song thing is >>> C downs stair dat u will know!! 看看楼下吧~就会知道我那里不满! T。T
~*1st RouNd*~
erm,. not bad lerhx ,,got num2 at least win mer... dis part v lil hard lor... [Cuz im *Noob* >"<]
赫赫。。几不错一下咯~至少有赢嘛! ^0^
The song of the comp lvl is : 6 , 3 ,7 , 1 ,7
kua kua kua!! >"<
[Dun laugh 8 mii..i know im *Noob*不要笑我!我知道我笨]

YaY!!! FinaLLy Ov3R,, @@ 过关咯~咔咔~
N "im win an Aries Badge"
my first *BADGE* neh~~~ im still rmb my last time de SDO....
n dat time i win a pieces most easy to win geh badge~
*p/s : i will put my last time sdo geh pixx pix.. [**if im free**]

ahem ahem~~~ i Stil WON a puzzle at the same time not bad liaw la,,,
kua kua kua~
Wishes i can win more.... [So greedy geh me ^0^]
~*2nD RoUnD*~

就是这个让我超不爽的!!你妈妈的!差3个COOL !! 呜呜。。 T。T
jiu shi dis!! make me bo song..!! cha 3 cool leh ...u say u say!!
if U!! u also will bo song de!!

DaT time i really wan cry OUT ki ....
But GM still *GOOD* lor... kolien wa.. Lose 3 cool!!
StilL got puzzle get!!
kua kua kua ~ heng~ ^0^

heh heh heh... all lengzai neh @@ *admire*
except 1 guy in da middle SOHAI + HAOLIAN!!!
[if u wan to know the story** ask me in MSN]
Dis is ExTreMe ExTr@ geh!!~~``

Dis is *mii* just noww im Si Ai BiN take geh!!
gei QQ xia...wakkaka~

tutu~Pig~act QQ neh^^V
Wakaka,,, actually my hair not like dis de,,dunno y hor..
i just cincai fin my hair hor....n den ho.~ it bcome like Dis~~
其实。。我也不知道我头发会变成这样的~只是随便*fin fin* 头发~
kua kua kua^0^
by da way~ThX 4 Visit.............By NANA